Interstellar Rift Development Update 001

After about a year of hard work, It is time to officially announce our game, Interstellar Rift. A game where players will explore the galaxy in their own custom spaceship. We are thrilled to show some of the progress and explain how the game works.
To briefly explain the game. In Interstellar Rift players will be able to create their very own spaceship and explore the galaxy. Players will have to walk around in their ship to manage it, fly the ship in space, and above all, this can be done in multi player. For a more detailed description of Interstellar Rift please check here.
The ship in this video is about 170 meters long and is considered to be a medium to large ship. We categorize ships as small, medium, large and capital class.
Interstellar Rift is made using our own in-house engine, this allows us to cater the technology directly to the unique needs of our game. For example; because we want to give players maximum freedom in designing their own ships, the engine needs to be able to handle tons of dynamic lights and custom geometry without taking a significant performance hit. Therefore we opted to create a deferred rendering engine for ship interiors. and a forward renderer for the less customizable space environment. This has allowed us to keep performance high while still providing a visually appealing experience on low end systems.
We are very happy to say we have working prototypes of all our main gameplay pillars and we are working hard to merge them together into one working game. The ship builder is where most of the work has been done and while we still need to tweak a bit with it we feel we’ll soon be able to let you guys play around with it, we have tons of assets to place in the game, we are fairly happy about our workflow and pipelines, walking around in the ship and the outside space world work together in harmony and as I said, the renderer is working smoothly.

The very basics of spaceflight are also in working condition. There is not much to be found in space yet, but it is possible to fly around and the ship’s handling, acceleration and speed are based on the ship’s size and engines.

So what does all of this mean for you guys? With the basics in place, we should be able to implement features relatively quickly, and you will be able to see the game grow. Please check out our forums and let us know what you think about the game and the concept, what you like or what you dislike, what you would like to see or just your general opinion.
Thanks for reading our blog post, you can follow us on twitter and facebook, be sure to check back soon!