Hallowed be thy pumpkin – Interstellar Rift Development Update 069

Greetings one and all and welcome to that most scary time of the year. Halloween is upon us and the denizens of the galaxy have gone all out in their decorations.

The 4 major factions have turned their stations into havens of terror and despair to fill the people with dread! But they do not need to be the only ones spreading the horror around the galaxy for they have made their decorations available to all who bring them their bounty of candy!

Mysterious asteroids have appeared around the galaxy, not filled with ores but filled with candy! Spooky pumpkins have miraculously been conjured around the galaxy to fill you with fright. But their use need not end there. For these pumpkins hold the key to more candy for your decorating needs!

Please enjoy Interstellar Rift’s 2016 Halloween update!

Happy Halloween everyone!

-The Split Polygon Team

Stellar Stability – Interstellar Rift Development Update 068

The theme for this update has been stability and desync fixes. The majority of time has been spent on fixing crashes and fixing several bugs and ironing out some other issues.

We have also added in a much requested feature; no combat zones around the faction starter stations.
These are there to prevent spawn camping and griefing. In a radius of 3km around these stations your ships weapons simply won’t function. These new zones are still under review and we will adjust them when/if necessary.

Additionally the repair tool now has third person animations, which means that you can now see other people using their repair tools. The repair beams have also been added to the repair drone to make it clearer as to which ship they are repairing.

We’ve also further improved the space flight marker compass with the ability to filter out certain types of markers. Debris now also has individual markers making it easier to track loot from destroyed ships and aliens.

We have also updated the chat box GUI, which will now scale with screen resolution and has a few extra upgrades such as CTRL-V capability and autocomplete on usernames when TAB is pressed. Clicking on a username will now automatically set the chat to whisper the next message to them.

Thank you all for playing and if you want to stay up to date with all Interstellar Rift news you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook or you’re free to leave your thoughts on our forums! We hope you’ll enjoy this new update and we’ll see you starside!

Engineering a Skrill infestation – Interstellar Rift Development Update 067

After wednesday’s appetiser on the experimental branch it is time for the main course. This patch introduces a brand new Skrill enemy, the hunter!

This skrill is most commonly found in packs with skrill grunts. However it is much faster than the grunts and it has a special attack that can cripple ships by infesting the ships with eggnites. These creatures attach themselves to a ship’s power generation devices and partially drain them of power which can cause some systems to run much less efficiently. Which can make you an easier target for the skrill grunts since the hunter itself doesn’t do much damage. Fortunately these eggnite projectiles cannot go through shields so make sure to keep them up if you don’t want your ship to be infested. Additionally hunters also dramatically boost the aggression of all other skrill around them. So don’t think you’re going to be safe if you’re in a large ship now as these creatures will now attack you as well.

The eggheads at Logicorp have created a new terminal which lets you control individual systems from a single terminal. Its primary functions include the ability to switch power groups on the fly so if you have damaged or destroyed generators you can now transfer power from an intact generator to this damaged group. Additionally you can also control the life support systems for every room through the engineering terminal, making it a little easier to cut off life support to certain sections of the ship which you are not using or use it for some more nefarious activities.

Another major addition is the inclusion of repair drones. With this we are giving players the ability to repair hull and engine damage. These drones can be launched using a disposer and then be controlled by use of a normal terminal through the sensor menu. In order for a drone to do its job it will have to be loaded with iron. Which means that you will have to eject a crate of iron along with the drone and then tell it to grab it from the drone menu. Now the drone is ready to repair and follow any target that you give it. The repair drones have a maximum follow range of 4 kilometers and they will go into sleep mode if they are ever out of range and stop following your ship.

These busy little bee’s can be built in the assembler using iron, brass and silicon.

As a final cherry on top we have overhauled the cockpit marker compass to now be constrained in a circle instead of the edges of the screen. This should make finding your targets much easier as we’ve also changed up the way we display markers which are on top of each other. They will now expand and display all of the text in one or two lists around the target marker. Additionally targets which are behind you will also have a secondary arrow next to them indicating that they are behind your ship, and you now have the ability to deselect targets by pressing “Y” (rebindable in the options menu).  In upcoming updates we will also add filter options to give pilots even more control over their interface.

We have noticed some issues with performance and networking when playing multi-player, and we will be focussing on resolving these issues over the coming weeks. This might however limit the amount of new functionalities in the next update, but we feel like focussing our efforts on a smoother and more stable playing experience should be top priority. 

Thank you all for playing and if you want to stay up to date with all Interstellar Rift news you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook or you’re free to leave your thoughts on our forums! We hope you’ll enjoy this new update and we’ll see you starside!

– The Split Polygon Team