Admin/User Server Commands
From Interstellar Rift Wiki
Revision as of 17:19, 8 August 2019 by Conquintor (Talk | contribs)
Commands entered in the in-game chat window need a forward slash before the command.
This list is for version e0.2.10 and onwards.
Bolded arguments are required, italics are optional.
Command | Arguments | Description | Required right |
copySave | Create a copy of save. | Superadmin | |
listTradeStats / printTradeStats | [system id/name] | Prints trade stats of a system to a file | Superadmin |
purgeAdmins | Removes admin rights from all players | Superadmin | |
setSuperAdmin | [player id/name] | Sets a new super admin | Superadmin |
addSpecialResource | [id] [text] | Adds a special resource | Admin |
addSpecialResourceStackable | [id] [text] | Adds a special resource, stackable up to 100 | Admin |
allowRetrieveEverywhere | [player id/name] | Allows a player to retrieve their ships for the store-o-tron from everywhere | Admin |
allowRetrieveInsuredShip | [player id/name] [index] | Allows a player to retrieve an insured ships from the store-o-tron from everywhere | Admin |
banPlayer | [player id/name] | Kicks a player and prevents them from logging in until they are unbanned. | Admin |
clearResourceInventory / clearResInv | [player id/name] | Add a resource to a player's inventory | Admin |
clearToolInventory / clearToolInv | [player id/name] | Add a resource to a player's inventory | Admin |
destroyShip | [system id/name] [ship id/name] | Destroys a ship, bypassing the destruction sequence. | Admin |
findSystemIdForPlayer | [player id/name] | Finds system id for player | Admin |
fixInaccessibleSystem | [system id/name] | Tries to fix an inaccessible (or slow loading) system | Admin |
forgetPlayer | [player id/name] | Resets a player, effectively treating them as a new player! | Admin |
giveResCrew | [player id/name] [resource] [amount] | Give a resource to a crew | Admin |
giveResFleet | [player id/name] [resource] [amount] | Set all resources in a fleet's vault to a specific number | Admin |
giveResToShip | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [resource] [amount] | Give a resource to a ship | Admin |
giveTool | [player id/name] [tool] [amount] | Give a tool to a player | Admin |
giveToolToShip | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [tool] | Give a tool to a ship | Admin |
increaseRebuildVersion | Increases the rebuild version of the save | Admin | |
invokeEventRule | [index] [system id/name] [ship id/name] | Invokes an event rule. | Admin |
kickPlayer | [player id/name] | Kicks a player | Admin |
killPlayer | [player id/name] | Kills a player | Admin |
listFleets / printFleets / fleets | List all fleets | Admin | |
listSpecialResources / printSpecialResources | Lists all special resources | Admin | |
moveShipToShip | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [ship id/name] | Moves a ship in a system to a ship in the same system. | Admin |
moveShipToSystem | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [system id/name] | Moves a ship in a system to a different system. | Admin |
outputBanList | Outputs ban list to %APPDATA%\InterstellarRift\banlist.txt. | Admin | |
outputCommandList | Outputs command list to commandList.txt. | Admin | |
printAllDronesInSystem / listAllDronesInSystem | [system id/name] | Lists all drones in a system | Admin |
printConnections / listConnections | Lists all connected players and ghost clients | Admin | |
printEventRules / listEventRules | [system id/name] | Lists all event rules for a system. | Admin |
printPlayerShipsInSystem / listPlayerShipsInSystem | [system id/name] | Lists all player ships in a system | Admin |
printRebuildVersion / listRebuildVersion | Prints the rebuild version of the save | Admin | |
printResourceInventory / listResourceInventory | [player id/name] | lists all resources in a player's inventory | Admin |
printResourceVault / listResourceVault | [player id/name] | prints all resources in a player's vault | Admin |
printShipsInSystem / listShipsInSystem | [system id/name] | Lists all ships in a system | Admin |
printStoreOTron / listStoreOTron | [player id/name] | Prints the names of all ships in a players store-o-tron | Admin |
printToolInventory / listToolInventory | [player id/name] | list all tools in a player's inventory | Admin |
printToolVault / listToolVault | [player id/name] | prints all tools in a player's vault | Admin |
quit / exit | Saves and quits the game gracefully | Admin | |
quitTimer / exitTimer | [seconds] [message] | Saves and quits the game after the specified time (in seconds), optionally pops up a specified message to all players. | Admin |
rebuildServer | [level] | Rebuilds the server | Admin |
rebuildSystem | [system id/name] [level] | Rebuilds one specific system | Admin |
removeAllDronesInSystem | [system id/name] | Removes all non-player owned drones in a system | Admin |
removeAllSkrillInSystem | [system id/name] | Removes all Skrill in a system | Admin |
removeSpecialResource | [id] | Removes a special resource by id | Admin |
requestSystemSaveData | [system id/name] | Requests save data for a system | Admin |
rigResourceBuyPrice | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [resource] [base price] | Rigs the buy price of a specific resource for a ship, -1 to unrig. | Admin |
rigResourceSellPrice | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [resource] [base price] | Rigs the buy price of a specific resource for a ship, -1 to unrig. | Admin |
rigToolBuyPrice | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [tool] [base price] | Rigs the buy price of a specific resource for a ship, -1 to unrig. | Admin |
rigToolSellPrice | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [tool] [base price] | Rigs the buy price of a specific resource for a ship, -1 to unrig. | Admin |
save | Saves the game | Admin | |
saveCrews | Manually saves the crews, only use this when advised to by the game! | Admin | |
saveFleets | Manually saves the fleets, only use this when advised to by the game! | Admin | |
saveGalaxyUpdatables | Manually saves the galaxy updatables, only use this when advised to by the game! | Admin | |
savePlayerClientData | [player id/name] | Manually saves the client data of a player, only use this when advised to by the game! | Admin |
savePlayerData | [player id/name] | Manually saves the (server) data of a player, only use this when advised to by the game! | Admin |
selfDestruct | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [seconds] | Self destructs the specified ship. | Admin |
setAllRes | [player id/name] [amount] | Set all resources in a player's vault to a specific number | Admin |
setAllResCrew | [player id/name] [amount] | Set all resources in a crew's vault to a specific number | Admin |
setAllResFleet | [player id/name] [amount] | Set all resources in a fleet's vault to a specific number | Admin |
setCelestialBodyName | [system id/name] [old name] [new name] | Sets the name of a celestial body in a system. | Admin |
setLogBoxUserData | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [index] [text] | Sets the user data of a specific log box. | Admin |
setLogBoxVisualData | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [index] [text] | Sets the visual data of a specific log box. (Generates network traffic so don't spam this!!) | Admin |
setMoney | [player id/name] [amount] | Set a player's U-Nits to a specific number | Admin |
setMotd | [message] | Set Message of the day | Admin |
setPassword | [password] | Sets a server password | Admin |
setRes | [player id/name] [resource] [amount] | Set a resource in a player's vault to a specific number | Admin |
setResourceGlobalPrice | [resource] [base price] [price deviant] | Sets the global price of a resource (base price, deviant) price -1 for reset. | Admin |
setSystemFactionInfluenceChangeRate | [system id/name] [faction] [amount] | Sets the rate at which faction influence changes. | Admin |
setSystemInfluence | [system id/name] [faction] [amount] | Set System influence for a faction to a specific number | Admin |
setSystemName | [system id/name] [new name] | Sets the name of a system. | Admin |
setSystemResourceSpawnRate | [system id/name] [resource] [amount] | Sets the spawn rate of a resource in a system. | Admin |
setToolGlobalPrice | [tool] [base price] [price deviant] | Sets the global price of a tool (base price, deviant) price -1 for reset. | Admin |
setWelcomeMessageEnabled | [amount] | Enable and disable welcome message (0 for disabled, 1 for enabled) | Admin |
setWelcomeMessageText | [message] | Set welcome message text | Admin |
setWelcomeMessageTitle | [message] | Set welcome message title | Admin |
spawnCustomAsteroidField | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [index] [text] | Spawns an asteroid field. | Admin |
spawnCustomLargeAsteroid | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [index] [text] | Spawns an asteroid field. | Admin |
spawnRift | [system id/name] [ship id/name] [system id/name] [mass] [mass] | Spawns an rift. | Admin |
stopQuitTimer / stopExitTimer | [message] | Cancels quit timer. | Admin |
storeAllShipsInSystem | [system id/name] | Adds all player-owned ships to ship storage | Admin |
storeShip | [system id/name] [ship id/name] | Moves a ship to the owner's global store-o-tron | Admin |
teleportPlayerToShipInSystem / tpts | [player id/name] [system id/name] [ship id/name] | Teleports player to a ship in a system | Admin |
toggleCppChecksum | Toggles Cpp Checksum | Admin | |
toggleCreativeMode | Toggles Creative Mode | Admin | |
toggleCSharpChecksum | Toggles C# Checksum | Admin | |
toggleIndestructableShips | Toggles indestructable ships | Admin | |
togglePvEMode | Toggles PvE Mode | Admin | |
unbanPlayer | [player id/name] | Restores a players ability to log into the server. | Admin |
clearIgnoreList | clears ignore list. | User | |
giveAllRes | [player id/name] | Fill a player's vault with most resources | User |
giveMoney | [player id/name] [amount] | Add U-Nits to a player's balance | User |
giveReputation | [player id/name] [faction] [amount] | Give reputation for a specific faction to a player | User |
giveRes | [player id/name] [resource] [amount] | Give a resource to a player | User |
giveResInv | [player id/name] [resource] [amount] | Add a resource to a player's inventory | User |
giveResInvToAll | [resource] [amount] | Give a resource to all online players inventory | User |
giveResToAll | [resource] [amount] | Give a resource to all online players | User |
giveToolInv | [player id/name] [tool] | Add a tool to a player's inventory | User |
help / h | [id] | Prints all commands, and their descriptions | User |
ignore | [player id/name] | ignores player | User |
listRanks / printRanks / ranks | [fleet id/name] | List all Fleet ranks | User |
motd | Display Message of the day | User | |
printAllFactions / printFactions / listAllFactions / listFactions / factions | Lists all Factions | User | |
printAllResources / printResources / listAllResources / listResources / resources | Lists all Resource types | User | |
printAllTools / printTools / listAllTools / listTools / tools | Lists all Tool types | User | |
printPermissions / listPermissions / permissions | [player id/name] | Print fleet permissions for a player | User |
printServerVersion | Prints the current version of the game | User | |
setReputation | [player id/name] [faction] [amount] | Set reputation of a player for a specific faction | User |
unignore | [player id/name] | un-ignores player | User |
all / a | [message] | Send a message to all online players | User |
broadcast | [amount] [message] | Send a message to all players in your system in range | User |
findSteamId | [player name] | Gets the steam id of a player | User |
players / p | Shows a list of all online players | User | |
system | [message] | Send a message to all players in your system | User |
closeSesame | Removes a temporary user group called "Sesame" | Admin (from chat only) | |
openSesame | Adds a temporary user group called "Sesame" with all rights enabled to the current ship and adds the user to it | Admin (from chat only) | |
allMe | [message] | Send a message to all online players, as yourself | User (from chat only) |
crew | [message] | Send a message to all players in your crew | User (from chat only) |
disbandFleet | Disband fleet | User (from chat only) | |
fleet | [message] | Send a message to all players in your fleet | User (from chat only) |
me | [message] | Send a message as yourself | User (from chat only) |
say / s | [message] | Send a message to all players on your ship | User (from chat only) |
transferMoney | [player id/name] [amount] | Transfer U-Nits to another player | User (from chat only) |
whisper / w | [player id/name] [message] | Send a private message | User (from chat only) |