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Example alt text
Construction material made from refined iron ore
Resource ID: 14
Technical Name: RT_Iron
Category: Resources


Iron is a refined element (ingot-form) created from Iron Ore using a Refinery.


Iron is used in the manufacturing of all ship components, such as Thrusts, Engines, etc. A complete list is provided below. Iron can also be processed into Steel using Carbon and a Refinery.


Refined Iron is sealed into containment crates. Each containment crate can store up to 600 units of Iron.
Crate Iron 01.png


Interior Components

Image Component # Units Iron required
IR Editor Floor Straight 01.png Floor Straight 01 15
IR Editor Standard Floor 01.png Standard Floor 01 10
IR Editor Indus Halway Floor 01.png Indus Hallway Floor 01 35
IR Editor Indus Halway Floor 02.png Indus Hallway Floor 02 35
IR Editor Floor Corner 01.png Floor Corner 01 15
IR Editor Floor Line 01.png Floor Line 01 15
IR Editor Floor T 01.png Floor T 01 15
IR Editor Floor Crossing 01.png Floor Crossing 01 15
IR Editor Pattern Floor 01.png Pattern Floor 01 20
IR Editor Square Floor 01.png Square Floor 01 20
IR Editor Hallway Door 01.png Hallway Door 01 100
IR Editor Hallway Door Large 01.png Hallway Door Large 01 250
IR Editor Int HallwayDoor 02.png Hallway Door 02 150
IR Editor Hallway Door 03.png Hallway Door 03 150
IR Editor AGOS Terminal 01.png AGOS Terminal Wall 01 125
IR Editor PowerCell Medium 01.png Power Cell Medium 01 1150
IR Editor FuseBox 01.png Fusebox 01 85
IR Editor Tech2 Class 1 Ion Engine 01.png Tech 2 Class 1 Ion Engine 01 250
IR Editor Disposer 01.png Disposer 01 750
IR Editor Deco Wall 01.png Deco Wall 01 25
IR Editor Deco Wall 04.png Deco Wall 04 25
IR Editor Indus Hallway Wall 01.png Indus Hallway Wall 01 35
IR Editor Indus Hallway Wall 03.png Indus Hallway Wall 03 35
IR Editor Deco Wall 02.png Deco Wall 02 25
IR Editor Standard Wall 01.png Standard Wall 01 10
IR Editor Deco Wall 03.png Deco Wall 03 25
IR Editor Deco Ad Wall 01.png Deco Wall Ad 01 25
IR Editor Deco Ad Wall 01.png Deco Wall Ad 02 25
IR Editor Indus Hallway Wall 02.png Indus Hallway Wall 02 35
IR Editor LifeSupport Systems 01.png Life Support Systems 01 250
IR Editor Ceiling Fan 01.png Ceiling Fan 01 25
IR Editor Floor Fan 01.png Floor Fan 01 40
IR Editor Air Vent 01.png Air Vent 01 25
IR Editor Int DecoWallLight 01.png Deco Wall Light 01 25
IR Editor Int DecoCeilingLight 01.png Deco Ceiling Light 01 25
IR Editor Int DoubleCeilingLight 01.png Double Ceiling Light 01 40
IR Editor Int DecoCeiling 02.png Deco Ceiling 02 25
IR Editor Int IndusHallwayCeiling 01.png Indus Hallway Ceiling 01 35
IR Editor Int DecoCeiling 01.png Deco Ceiling 01 25
IR Editor Int Standard Ceiling 01.png Standard Ceiling 01 10
IR Editor Int BunkBedsWall 01.png Bunk Beds Wall 01 50
IR Editor Int DecoBookShelfWall 01.png Deco Bookshelf Wall 01 35
IR Editor Int Locker 01.png Locker 01 125
IR Editor Int Kitchen 01.png Kitchen 01 125
IR Editor Int SlopedExtWindow 01.png Sloped EXT Window 01 50
IR Editor Int SquareWindow 01.png Square Window 01 50
IR Editor Int WedgedWindow 01.png Wedged Window 01 50
IR Editor Int SquareBayWindow 01.png Square Bay Window 01 50
IR Editor Int Porthole 01.png Porthole 01 50
IR Editor Int TopWindow 01.png Top Window 01 50
IR Editor Int Skylight 01.png Skylight 01 75
IR Editor Int ArcWindow 01.png Arc Window 01 50
IR Editor Int DoubleWindow 01.png Double Window 01 100
IR Editor Int SquareCeilingWindow 01.png Square Ceiling Window 01 50
IR Editor Int WindowFloor 01.png Window Floor 01 50
IR Editor Int Biodome 01.png Biodome 01 2525
IR Editor Int Turret 01.png Turret 01 225
IR Editor Int HelmLarge 01.png Helm Large 01 750
IR Editor Int HelmLarge 02.png Helm Large 02 1250
IR Editor Int HelmSmall 01.png Helm Small 01 500
IR Editor Int HelmSmall 02.png Helm Small 02 500

Prop Components

Image Component # Units Iron required
IR Editor Int BayWindow Prop 01.png Bay Window Prop 01 30
IR Editor Int BayWindow Prop 04.png Bay Window Prop 04 30
IR Editor Int BayWindow Prop 02.png Bay Window Prop 02 30
IR Editor Int BayWindow Prop 03.png Bay Window Prop 03 30
IR Editor Int DecoPropFloor 01.png Deco Prop Floor 01 40
IR Editor Int QuarterDecoPropFloor 01.png Quarter Deco Prop Floor 01 10
IR Editor Int QuarterDecoPropFloor 02.png Quarter Deco Prop Floor 02 10
IR Editor Int DecoFence 01.png Deco Fence 01 15
IR Editor Int DecoFence 01.png Deco Fence Middle 01 15
IR Editor Int DecoPropWall 01.png Deco Prop Wall 01 40
IR Editor Int HalfGirderPropFloor 01.png Half Girder Prop Floor 01 20
IR Editor Int Int HalfGirderPropFloor 02.png Half Girder Prop Floor 02 20
IR Editor Int HalfGirderPropWall 01.png Half Girder Prop Wall 01 20
IR Editor Int HalfGirderPropWall 02.png Half Girder Prop Wall 02 20
IR Editor Int HalfDecoFence Left 01.png Half Deco Fence Left 01 5
IR Editor Int HalfDecoFence Left 01.png Half Deco Fence Middle 01 5
IR Editor Int HalfDecoFence Left 01.png Half Deco Fence Right 01 5
IR Editor Int Stairs FullHeight 01.png Stairs Full Height 01 250
IR Editor Int Stairs FullHeight 02.png Stairs Full Height 02 250
IR Editor Int SpiralStairs 01.png Spiral Stairs 01 125
IR Editor Int SpiralStairsExtension 01.png Spiral Stairs Extension 01 125
IR Editor Int SpiralStairsExtension 02.png Spiral Stairs Extension 02 125
IR Editor Int Banister FullHeight Left 01.png Banister Full Height Left 01 5
IR Editor Int Banister FullHeight Left 01.png Banister Full Height Right 01 5
IR Editor Int SmallStairs 01.png Steep Stairs 01 75
IR Editor Int SmallStairs 01.png Steep Stairs 02 75
IR Editor Int SmallStairs 01.png Steep Stairs 03 75
IR Editor Int SmallStairs 01.png Steep Stairs 04 75
IR Editor Int DecoPillar 02.png Deco Pillar 02 10
IR Editor Int DecoPillar 01.png Deco Pillar 01 25
IR Editor Int DecoPillarSmall 01.png Deco Pillar Small 01 5
IR Editor Int DecoPillarSmall 01.png Deco Pillar Small 02 5
IR Editor Int DecoPillarSmall 01.png Deco Pillar Small 03 5
IR Editor Int HoloTable 01.png Holo Table 01 40
IR Editor CaptainChair 01.png Captain Chair 01 25
IR Editor Int PotPlantLarge 01.png Pot Plant Large 01 10
IR Editor Int EasterHeadProp 01.png Easter Head Prop 01 35
IR Editor Int Fern 01.png Pot Plant Fern 01 10
IR Editor Int AlienPotPlant 01.png Alien Pot Plant 01 10
IR Editor Int SunFlower 01.png Pot Plant Sun Flower 01 10
IR Editor Int BoardRoom 01.png BoardRoom 01 40
IR Editor Int Palm 01.png Pot Plant Palm 01 15
IR Editor Int QueenSizedBed 01.png Queen Size Bed 01 15
IR Editor Int Toilet 01.png Toilet 01 35
IR Editor Int DiningCorner 01.png Dinning Corner 01 15
IR Editor Int DinnerBench 01.png Dinner Bench 01 10
IR Editor Int ChestHighWall 01.png Chest High Wall 01 25
IR Editor Int DecoPropWall 02.png Deco Prop Wall 02 25
IR Editor Int DecoPropHallway 01.png Deco Prop Hallway 01 20
IR Editor Int DiagonalWall 01.png Diagonal Wall 01 35
IR Editor Int DiagonalWall 02.png Diagonal Wall 02 35
IR Editor Int MedPropWall Corner 01.png Med Prop Wall Corner 01 40
IR Editor Int MedPropWall 01.png Med Prop Wall 01 25
IR Editor Int MedPropWall 02.png Med Prop Wall 02 25
IR Editor Int MedPropWall Door 01.png Med Prop Wall Door 01 30
IR Editor DecoPropLight 01.png Deco Prop Light 01 15
IR Editor DecoPillarLight 01.png Deco Pillar Light 01 15
IR Editor DecoPropPillarLightSmall 01.png Deco Prop Pillar Light Small 01 10
IR Editor AgosPropTerminal 01.png AGOS Prop Terminal 01 150
IR Editor Int PowerCellSmall 01.png Power Cell Small 01 250
IR Editor Int PowerBatterySmall 01.png Power Battery Small 01 250
IR Editor Int DataCore 01.png DataCore 01 250
IR Editor Int Teleporter 01.png Teleporter 250
IR Editor Int HydrogenGeneratorSmall 01.png Hydrogen Generator TI 250
IR Editor Hydrogen Generator T2 01.png Hydrogen Generator TII 250
IR Editor Int HydrogenTankSmall 01.png Hydrogen Tank TI Small 01 135
IR Editor Int ShipEditorTerminal 01.png Ship Editor Terminal 01 350
IR Editor Int VendingMachine 01.png Vending Machine 01 75
IR Editor Extractor 01.png Resource Extractor 01 250
IR Editor Hydrogen Tank Large 01.png Hydrogen Tank TII Large 01 250
IR Editor Refinery 01.png Refinery 01 500
IR Editor Int CargoTeleporter 01.png Cargo Teleporter 01 1500
IR Editor Long Range Telkeporter 01.png Long Range Teleporter 01 250
IR Editor Int MolecularAssembler 01.png Molecular Assembler 01 275
IR Editor Int SmallShieldGenerator 01.png Small Shield Generator 01 250
IR Editor Large Shield Generator 01.png Large Shield Generator 01 250
IR Editor Int Transponder 01.png Transponder 01 245
IR Editor Int DecoPropFloor 02.png Deco Prop Floor 02 25
IR Editor Int DecoPropFloor 03.png Deco Prop Floor 03 25
IR Editor Int CargoLift 01.png Cargo Lift 01 125
IR Editor Int CargoLift 02.png Cargo Lift 02 225
IR Editor Int CargoLift 03.png Cargo Lift 03 325
IR Editor Int CargoPad 01.png Cargo Pad 01 50
IR Editor Int CargoPad 02.png Cargo Pad 02 60

Exterior Components

Image Component # Units Iron required
IR Editor Ext 111 001.png Ext 111 001 5
IR Editor Ext 111 002.png Ext 111 002 5
IR Editor Ext 111 003.png Ext 111 003 5
IR Editor Ext 111 006.png Ext 111 006 5
IR Editor Ext 111 007.png Ext 111 007 5
IR Editor Ext 111 008.png Ext 111 008 5
IR Editor Ext 111 009.png Ext 111 009 5
IR Editor Ext 111 010.png Ext 111 010 5
IR Editor Ext 111 011.png Ext 111 011 5
IR Editor Ext 111 012.png Ext 111 012 5
IR Editor Ext 111 013.png Ext 111 013 5
IR Editor Ext 111 014.png Ext 111 014 5
IR Editor Ext 111 015.png Ext 111 015 5
IR Editor Ext 111 016.png Ext 111 016 5
IR Editor Ext 111 018.png Ext 111 018 5
IR Editor Ext 111 019.png Ext 111 019 5
IR Editor Ext 111 020.png Ext 111 020 5
IR Editor Ext 111 021.png Ext 111 021 5
IR Editor Ext 111 024.png Ext 111 024 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockStraight 01.png Glow Block Straight 01 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockCorner 01.png Glow Block Corner 01 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockCrossing 01.png Glow Block Crossing 01 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockCap 01.png Glow Block Cap 01 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockTpiece 01.png Glow Block T Piece 01 5
IR Editor Ext GlowBlockWrapAround 01.png Glow Block Wraparound 01 5
IR Editor Ext 211 001.png Ext 211 001 10
IR Editor Ext 211 002.png Ext 211 002 10
IR Editor Ext 211 003.png Ext 211 003 10
IR Editor Ext 211 004.png Ext 211 004 10
IR Editor Ext 211 004 Mirror.png Ext 211 004 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 005.png Ext 211 005 10
IR Editor Ext 211 005 Mirror.png Ext 211 005 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 006.png Ext 211 006 10
IR Editor Ext 211 006 Mirror.png Ext 211 006 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 007.png Ext 211 007 10
IR Editor Ext 211 007 Mirror.png Ext 211 007 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 008.png Ext 211 008 10
IR Editor Ext 211 009.png Ext 211 009 10
IR Editor Ext 211 010.png Ext 211 010 10
IR Editor Ext 211 011.png Ext 211 011 10
IR Editor Ext 211 012.png Ext 211 012 10
IR Editor Ext 211 013.png Ext 211 013 10
IR Editor Ext 211 014.png Ext 211 014 10
IR Editor Ext 211 015.png Ext 211 015 10
IR Editor Ext 211 016.png Ext 211 016 10
IR Editor Ext 211 017.png Ext 211 017 10
IR Editor Ext 211 018.png Ext 211 018 10
IR Editor Ext 211 019.png Ext 211 019 10
IR Editor Ext 211 020.png Ext 211 020 10
IR Editor Ext 211 021.png Ext 211 021 10
IR Editor Ext 211 021 Mirror.png Ext 211 021 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 022.png Ext 211 022 10
IR Editor Ext 211 022 Mirror.png Ext 211 022 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 023.png Ext 211 023 10
IR Editor Ext 211 023 Mirror.png Ext 211 023 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 024.png Ext 211 024 10
IR Editor Ext 211 025.png Ext 211 025 10
IR Editor Ext 211 027.png Ext 211 027 10
IR Editor Ext 211 028.png Ext 211 028 10
IR Editor Ext 211 028 Mirror.png Ext 211 028 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 029.png Ext 211 029 10
IR Editor Ext 211 029 Mirror.png Ext 211 029 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 030.png Ext 211 030 10
IR Editor Ext 211 030 Mirror.png Ext 211 030 Mirror 10
IR Editor Ext 211 031.png Ext 211 031 10
IR Editor Ext 221 001.png Ext 221 001 20
IR Editor Ext 221 002.png Ext 221 002 20
IR Editor Ext 221 003.png Ext 221 003 20
IR Editor Ext 221 004.png Ext 221 004 20
IR Editor Ext 221 005.png Ext 221 005 20
IR Editor Ext 221 006.png Ext 221 006 20
IR Editor Ext 221 007.png Ext 221 007 20
IR Editor Ext 221 008.png Ext 221 008 20
IR Editor Ext 221 009.png Ext 221 009 20
IR Editor Ext 221 010.png Ext 221 010 20
IR Editor Ext 221 011.png Ext 221 011 20
IR Editor Ext 221 012.png Ext 221 012 20
IR Editor Ext 221 013.png Ext 221 013 20
IR Editor Ext 221 014.png Ext 221 014 20
IR Editor Ext 221 015.png Ext 221 015 20
IR Editor Ext 221 016.png Ext 221 016 20
IR Editor Ext 221 017.png Ext 221 017 20
IR Editor Ext 221 018.png Ext 221 018 20
IR Editor Ext 221 019.png Ext 221 019 20
IR Editor Ext 221 020.png Ext 221 020 20
IR Editor Ext 221 021.png Ext 221 021 20
IR Editor Ext 221 022.png Ext 221 022 20
IR Editor Ext 221 023.png Ext 221 023 20
IR Editor Ext 221 026.png Ext 221 026 20
IR Editor Ext 221 027.png Ext 221 027 20
IR Editor Ext 221 028.png Ext 221 028 20
IR Editor Ext 221 029.png Ext 221 029 20
IR Editor Ext 221 030.png Ext 221 030 20
IR Editor Ext 221 031.png Ext 221 031 20
IR Editor Ext 221 032.png Ext 221 032 20
IR Editor Ext 222 001.png Ext 222 001 40
IR Editor Ext 222 002.png Ext 222 002 40
IR Editor Ext 222 003.png Ext 222 003 40
IR Editor Ext 222 004.png Ext 222 004 40
IR Editor Ext 222 005.png Ext 222 005 40
IR Editor Ext 222 006.png Ext 222 006 40
IR Editor Ext 222 007.png Ext 222 007 40
IR Editor Ext 222 008.png Ext 222 008 40
IR Editor Ext 222 009.png Ext 222 009 40
IR Editor Ext 222 010.png Ext 222 010 40
IR Editor Ext 222 011.png Ext 222 011 40
IR Editor Ext 111 022.png Ext 111 022 5
IR Editor Ext 111 023.png Ext 111 023 5
IR Editor Ext GirderBlockSmall 01.png Girder Block Small 01 5
IR Editor Ext GirderBlockLarge 01.png Girder Block Large 01 40
IR Editor Ext 221 033.png Ext 221 033 20
IR Editor Ext 221 034.png Ext 221 034 20
IR Editor Ext 242 Class2 IonEngine 01.png Ext 242 Class 2 Ion Engine 01 400
IR Editor Ext 232 Class1 IonEngine 01.png Ext 232 Class 1 Ion Engine 01 300
IR Editor Ext 311 Class3 IonEngine 01.png Ext 311 Class 3 Ion Engine 01 150
IR Editor Ext LongRangeSensorArray 01.png Long Range Sensor Array 01 480
IR Editor Ext SensorArraySmall 01.png Sensor Array Small 01 120
IR Editor Ext SolarPanel 01.png Solar Panel 01 150
IR Editor Ext SolarPanel 02.png Solar Panel 02 75
IR Editor Ext ManeuveringThruster 01.png Maneuvering Thruster 01 75
IR Editor Ext ManeuveringThruster 02.png Maneuvering Thruster 02 75
IR Editor Ext ManeuveringThruster 03.png Maneuvering Thruster 03 75
IR Editor Ext ManeuveringThruster 04.png Maneuvering Thruster 04 75
IR Editor Ext Industrial 01.png Industrial 01 5
IR Editor Ext Industrial 02.png Industrial 02 5
IR Editor Ext Industrial 03.png Industrial 03 20
IR Editor Ext Industrial 04.png Industrial 04 5
IR Editor Ext Industrial 05.png Industrial 05 20
IR Editor Ext Industrial 06.png Industrial 06 20
IR Editor Ext Industrial 07.png Industrial 07 5