Cargo Pad (high)

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Cargo Pad (high)
ElevatedSmallCargoPad 01.png
Cargo Pad (high)
Capable of storing eight cargo containers.
Resources 60 Iron
Weight 400
Device Type Prop
Capacity 8 containers
Requirements none
Location in editor Prop edit mode, Cargo
Size 1x1x1 tile (4x4x4 meters)
Category: Systems


Capable of storing eight cargo containers. This pad can be placed on top of floor tiles or in the air on items from the Prop edit mode, Walkways section. This sits high enough off the deck surface to walk under or place a standard Cargo Pad underneath. When loading the Cargo Pad (high) you my find that targeting the front helps to not place and then pick up the same items again! Alternate version of this is the Cargo Pad.